
a trans & nonbinary representation BTS zine


a trans & nonbinary BTS zine


Euphoria is a BTS fanzine that chooses to focus on transgender representation.Our goal is to provide a safe place for every person that falls under the trans and nonbinary umbrella, and a chance for as many identities as we can manage to be represented and explored. Thus, we will not tolerate any transphobia, transmisogyny, racism or ableism.The zine will be a physical SFW anthology, along with art pieces.80% of the zine's proceeds will be sent to Dding Dong, a lgbtq+ south Korean organisation funding a self-sustainable shelter for lgbtq+ south Korean youth.Since we want everyone to be able to find something that they enjoy, while still having a wide variety of experiences and identities, we have decided to split the zine into several themes. Thus, the zine will be divided into 3 sections: Singularity, Epiphany and Serendipity.In the Singularity section, works will focus on themes such as self-acceptance, discovery, and questioning. It will contain works featuring trans people slowly discovering themselves and their labels if they do have one. It will include moments like: the first time you can pinpoint your feelings, the moment you find a definition that fits you, the day you decide to accept it and embody it, the moment you slowly dip into trans communities, the struggles that you may encounter along, etc.The works within the Epiphany section of the zine will focus on themes like pride, gender expression, and coming out. It will contain works featuring trans people expressing themselves in a satisfactory way and feeling confident enough to let their close loved ones know if they wish so. It will include moments such as: buying clothes that make them feel comfortable and affirmed in their gender, finding comfort in the support of their loved ones, etc.Finally, the Serendipity section will allow creators to focus on diversity, support, and empowerment. It will contain works featuring trans people in the context of communities and the power and strength that can come with it, as well as how diverse these communities can be. It will include moments like: finding a community with people that can relate to your experience and how reassuring and uplifting this can be, finding strength and power through community and its support which can then lead you to express yourself more openly, starting your journey as an openly trans person, etc.


November 1stInterest check
November 2nd to 15thmods apps
November 28thmods results
December 30thinterest check results
February 1st to March 30thcontributors apps
April 15thcontributors results
April to Octobercreation period
TBApre-orders period


a trans & nonbinary BTS zine


Head & organisation mod

Felix is one of the founders of the zine and currently in charge of all things organisation-wise to bring this project to life.· Librarian with a bachelor in library and information sciences.
· Sun's been a writer for the fandom for 2 years and contributed to several fests and zines. He's currently in the mod team of A Life With You: a 2seok zine and Project Chao.
"I just felt like we deserve a safe place to explore our headcanons and ourselves. I'll do anything I can to make this a worthy zine for our very diverse community."


Graphics & formatting mod

Nea is the other founder of the zine and currently in charge of our beautiful graphics!· Graphic design is their passion and they're dedicated.
· They have been the main mod of several fests, closed and ongoing, and contributors to a few zines already. It's their first time as a mod for a zine.
"Proper identity representation is hard to find when it comes to fan projects so I hope we can create a safe place for content creators. We are all unique and deserve to comfortably share content that is dear to our hearts without any impediment or judgement."


Production & shipping mod

Maddie is our production and shipping mod and will take care of the merch artists for us.· Student in Graphic Design who also runs a small fan merch shop.
· They've ran a zine in the YOI fandom and she has extensive knowledge of manufacturing, shipping and publication design.
"The trans community and trans people have been a large part of my bts fandom experience. I would like to help give representation to myself and my friends who have made this fandom great for me."


Comms & writing mod

Milo is in charge of communications for the zine and will be there as writer mod once the contributors join us.· Brand Communications Consultant.
· They've been in charge of 5 fests so far and helped a few others.
"I decided to help create this zine because I would like to show people like me, people who don't fall into the scope of how transness or nonbinaryness is meant to come across. With the help of fics and art, I will like to show people like me that they aren't alone."


Art mod

Rue is the art mod for the zine and will be there throughout our journey to help all of our artists!· Freelance graphic designer and small business owner, artist and avid fics reader.
· They have participated in fests, bingos, and archive blogs since 2017, and organised and did graphics for an ask blog archive on tumblr.
"I’m supporting euphoria because I want to make a positive step toward more trans and non-binary inclusive projects like this in the future."


Art & writing mod

Bunny is our second art and writing mod, a little helper of sorts that will lend an eye to our mods so the workload is a bit easier on everyone in the team.· Soon to be student in an Illustration Program.
· Bun's been providing content, art and writing, for a little over a year.
"I want there to be proper representation and love for all trans identities and I’m hoping that by working with this zine we can work towards having more transfem content that is accurate & validating & doesn’t fall into the realm of fetishization."


Writing intern

Kiki joined us as writing intern and will work alongside Milo to help our incredible writers.· Student in Creative Writing.
· They've been a beta for zines the past 2 years, and worked on their school's online publications.
"I love reading fics and seeing art with trans characters since it makes me feel seen and heard. Seeing this zine made me want to help in any way I can to support it to give other trans/nonbinary people that same feeling of being accepted as well."


Art intern

Sarah is our art intern and will work with Rue to help our amazing artists.· Studying media sciences and Korean, she's been an artist for the fandom for some time.
· They contributed (and still do at the moment) in a few other zines, and did a lot of successful art projects irl as well as tattoo designs.
"I want to support this project because I want to help create a safe space for trans/non-binary people and I’m confident this zine will do just that!! I also want to give people a platform to discover themselves and their emotions through art and writing!"